Friday, March 28, 2008


There are quite a few people who’s only whim
is to watch regularly, the recent and latest film
as for them it is some kind of a passion
which they follow like as their religion.

What is all, for them, in the flick, is out to show
they are able to relate so well with the hero.
A few of them are able to empathize with the heroine
by being able to shed a tear without the glycerine.

The way, after the show, they have a talk
would give someone like me a sure shock.
It is as though they decide the film’s structure
by being in place of the movie’s director.

Guess none of them, during their days, got to see

the evergreen Hrishikesh Mukerjree’s hit GUDDI
which then itself was to realistically portray
about the state of movies as on that day.

Yet, it seems to be an unending craze
which for others, seems to always amaze
of how people flock the multiplex or theatre
and are able to decide whether it’s a hit or disaster.

Hope people someday will be able to see sense
and are able to what is the movie’s essence.
Then at least will they be able to’ve mirth
apart from the comfort and ticket’s worth.

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