Tuesday, April 28, 2009


From time immemorial, it is known that to lead life isn’t easy

and at times, the path we have to thread, tends to be hazy.

So, whenever I seem to have any sort of clue

It’s heavenwards, I think, its best to look upto.

Though wouldn’t have waited, either the time or tide

circumstances would’ve made things to get pushed aside.

How to carry on, when I seem to have any sort of clue

It’s heavenwards, I think, its best to look upto.

The tide brings a storm which would take time to clear

and one can, till then, to sit back and wonder in fear.

About when I’ll get to see the sun, when I’ve no clue

It’s heavenwards, I think, its best to look upto.

Time is sure to bring, in someway, a silver lining

which maybe a harbinger in life as a new beginning.

Yet when it’ll happen, when I don’t have any clue

It’s heavenwards, I think, its best to look upto.

Monday, April 27, 2009


BACKGROUND: ……..…………..come back plz .... let us give each other another chance to move forward hand in hand till any of us can walk ..... n now that we know wat each of us thinks about the future ………….lets plan happy moments wen u will b in BLR ...


Long back, a statement,, why I made, I’ve no clue

when I said to her “ I will come back just for you”.

Who knows whether It was said after I had a drink

as about the future, I hadn’t pondered to even think.

Long back, a statement,, why I made, I’ve no clue

when I said to her “ I will come back just for you”.

What all, I hadn’t got, from anyone, as bliss

and so, I guess, I thought, a chance mustn’t miss.

Long back, a statement,, why I made, I’ve no clue

when I said to her “ I will come back just for you”.

Maybe we had felt some sort of mutual necessity

that together we could be, even beyond eternity.

Long back, a statement,, why I made, I’ve no clue

when I said to her “ I will come back just for you”.

Alas, all this, like you, has remained, for my works, as a subject

and without you in my life, you have made me feel like an abject.

Sunday, April 26, 2009



People, its known, just look out for the weekend

so that, in different ways, they can plan to spend.

It maybe with, to them who is someone special

or with those, to their lives, who are truly vital.

But about my situation, I wonder what I can say

as for me, its appears just like any other weekday.

Sadly before, something’s I never went to realize

that my weekend dreams would never materialize


Close to 8 months ago, I came back to a familiar place

as I wanted to be with someone who was a known face.

When I was far away, in my life, she became a necessity

and so, I didn’t want to miss out any sort of opportunity.

Though people I already knew much before

they hardly mattered at all to me, anymore.

Someone had promised moments that would be nice

and so, for her, anything I was willing to compromise.

Eagerly for the weekend to come, I would wait

and reach our rendezvous point without being late.

Since I looked at her much more than a girl friend

every minute I got, with her only, I wanted to spend.

At home, I remember what all I had to give as excuse

as from my life, her company, in any way, I didn’t want to loose.

Even if it meant that folks and family felt a lot of pain

I cared not as the girl’s love, till eternity, I wanted to gain.


Being at home, is worse than undergoing treason

as to get out, somehow I don’t see at all a reason.

Besides the girl decided to move out from my life

by making me undergo a lot of ongoing strife.

At times, I have to literally beg some friend

so that some time, with me, they think to spend.

But all blokes, only one thing they go onto think

is that when you are in sorrow, its better to drink.

Ironically, amidst all these, exists the worst crime

when for you, family also doesn’t have the time.

It is better then to be to yourself and all alone

when you realize that you don’t have any of your own.

All these happenings makes me, the weekends to hate

and that too when I cant be, like before, someone’s date.

From Friday evening starts my worry and sorrow

about what to do till the end of day after tomorrow.


About my weekend woes, I thought to tell

as offlate, its worse than enduring hell.

I know that its me who has to be repentant

for having been, on someone, so dependant.

Life, guess will never ever be the same

and I’ve to bow my head in shame.

All that I can do now is to sit back and sigh

and to myself, allow my heart to let a cry.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


BACKGROUND: ……..Someone had said once to another….“u r n will be d last person whom i'll love on tis earth..if u move on,…..(will) never ever luv any1………”

The reality, over time, is best reflected here….

Hope what I once said hope you haven’t gone to forget

which I said to you, even before, we met

that the moment you cease to shine in me, like the sun

from then on, in my life, there would be none.

Though we hadn’t come across each other face to face

I knew that you were someone with poise and grace.

Thought I that only from you I would get a lot of fun

and hence I knew that if you left me, there would be none.

In your lovely eyes, I saw to work towards a future

and your lips gave me the hope that we would be together.

I felt that I had, till eternity, your heart, I had won

and if you left me, from then, for me, there would be none.

Alas, one day, my true love, you thought to disapprove

and from my life, you felt it was best to move.

Since for me, from long, I had decided as the one

It became real that after you, for me, there would be none.

Friday, April 24, 2009

PAINFUL MEMORIES :( -An acrostic

P lacid, offlate, I cease to be

A bjectness is what, in me, I see

I nternally chaos, always going on

N ot allowing me to move on

F ate, I knew not, would be so cruel

U nable to forget someone so vital

L ost always in that someone’s thought

M irthful, I can’t be like the other lot

E nd of my life, these will remain

M emorable few are, all in vain

O h! why do they to, the mind bring

R ipped I am within and sad note I sing

I nside the heart is full of scars

E xistence looks like a farce

S till lot of them, I can’t efface

:( is what has remained on my face

Thursday, April 23, 2009

WHENEVER COMES THE 23RD (Suggest a better title


Someone used to always say “firstly happy ………anniversary .....muaaaahhhhhh ………lots n lots good wishes darling ...” :)

Listening to it, the reply would be “best wishes 2u as well………lets c now ma(n)y anniversary's god will show us…………..” followed by the next obvious question ……

“wat plans 4 d anniversary?”. Innocently, the reply would be “none yet …

just hope to meeet u” ... :)

Now the scenario is ……………“cant help thinking abt u my only DKR...pl……. (come back) coz me miss u more than anybody else ...:(”

Those many months ago, when had come the 23rd

I still remember, what from you, I had heard

that made me proud of having taken birth

as it gave me hope that I was destined for mirth.

From then on, every month when came the 23rd

It was the time for us to, each other, renew our word

that we would be together even beyond eternity

and that go on fulfilling each other’s necessity.

Came and went, over time, many such 23rd

and for me, you were like that tweety bird

whom I thought, was sent to me from heaven

so that my life would always get enliven.

Alas, ironically, today happens to be the 23rd

and still I feel the reason you gave as absurd .

Since you are no longer anywhere in sight

about you and our memories, I sit and write.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Dear all,

This work is inspired by another picture that can be found in Chandana’s- MYRIAD HUES album http://www.orkut.co.in/Main#AlbumZoom.aspx?uid=17095562001035808440&pid=1232272531201&aid=1223677643$pid=1232305947087

Thanks Chandana for allowing me to get inspired!!

When I was out to limp, you didn’t offer me a crutch

and somehow on this tree, I managed to perch.

My company, you thought to forget and disown

even though you knew that for me, you were my own.

To none around, I can think to show my face

as I am clueless, how to endure this phase.

Every moment, only one thing, I am out to dread

If in life, I won’t be able to ever move ahead.

During the day, from one and all, I manage to hide

though wont bring any difference in the eventide.

Atleast, as the sun sets, and slowly comes the night

I can be sure that that I am nowhere in sight.

I hope that one day I can soar towards the sky

and by myself, be able to, once again, fly.

Since I know that you are there always in my mind

wherever, you are and may be, I’ll go onto find.

All that I hope is whenever, to you, I come near

the only thing I would, from you, is to hear

that once again, we can, in life, be together

and till eternity, nothing can take us away farther.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Each time, I decide that in your memories, I wont wail

but I cant help as every time I am bound to fail.

All that I hope is that you, to me, come back

so that you understand how much I lack.

I must admit that in one thing, I went on to fail

in understanding, without you, how life would entail.

All that I can do is to sit back and be my own

with people who act as if they are, to me, not known.

My soul has been charred and is as good as dead

and the mind still has so many things unsaid.

One thing I try hard to prevent and still I fail

as every day, to my coffin, is being hit, a nail.

In life, everything has come to a stand still

and has gone away, all the zest and thrill.

Since I haven’t been able to move on and sail

I cant still understand why each time, I fail.

Monday, April 20, 2009


To all, I may just look like an ordinary bus stop
but here, a couple, to spend time, used to hop.
To be with each other, they just couldn’t wait
as well, to their homes, get back before it was late!!

To all, I may just look like an ordinary bus stop
but here, a couple, to spend time, used to hop.
All that the boy wanted was to see the girl’s eyes to talk
before hither and dither, they would set out for a walk.

To all, I may just look like an ordinary bus stop
but here, a couple, to spend time, used to hop.
Tired she used to be and used to rest on his arm
and by her delicate touch make him feel all warm.

To all, I may just look like an ordinary bus stop
but here, a couple, to spend time, used to hop.
Alas who knows, where now, those people have gone
as without their presence, everything looks like a bygone.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

OPPURTUNITY :) -An acrostic

O nce only, we may get

P ut it way, we may later regret

P roactive sometimes, we’ve to be

U tilization, we should do it properly

R eacting to it, should be done with care

T houghts of it, should always be there

U seless all will say, if you let it go aside

N obody, another one, won’t provide

I nvovling people may make it easy

T eam work makes it more cozy

You, me and us, it, we must try and harness

:) is what we’ll see after getting success


BACKGROUND: To someone the bard had said once with all candour, “…….u r n will be d last person whom i'll love on tis earth..if u move on…… maybe may resume my vices..”

And she had replied……“ this makes me sad .... coz i never want to c u like ds !”..

But the reality is best said in this poem

When the bard decided to hit the bottle
he had lost someone, who, to him, was vital.
Thought he that more from it, he would drink
about her, he would forget and not go to think.

When the bard decided to hit the bottle
ironically he started to write passages purple.
Though her going away made the mind loose peace
from the heart, feelings for her never went to cease.

When the bard decided to hit the bottle
at times, over happenings, he became sentimental.
Even though he knew that she would remain unkind
memories they had shared never wanted to leave the mind.

When the bard decided to hit the bottle
day by day, his health became miserable.
Though like before, he knew, things wouldn’t be the same
all he knew that he could, till eternity, chant her name.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Dear all,

This work is inspired by this picture that can be found in Chandana’s- MYRIAD HUES album


Thanks Chandana for allowing me to get inspired!!

We know not what is out to bring tomorrow
as it maybe either happiness or only sorrow.
Yet even if it means to take us away further
one thing for sure, we will always be together.

One can never say about the road that is ahead
and we may have to try hard for our daily bread.
Even if it means that we’ve to endure a rough weather
one thing for sure, we will always be together.

There maybe many who wish for our downfall
and their efforts may drive us to the wall.
Never should we allow our goals to waver
as one thing for sure, we will always be together.

Before we sleep, we have many miles to go
and resilience at each step, we’ve to show.
Since for ourselves, we have to build a future
as one thing for sure, we will always be together.

Friday, April 17, 2009


I sometimes wonder, are you really there, oh providence
as I cant be convinced, at times, about your existence
when you don’t seem to fulfill any of my desire or need
that too when I would have approached you with no greed.

I sometimes wonder, are you really there, oh providence
as you sit quite and alone, make me to endure turbulence.
Neither are you doing anything to provide me a new beginning
nor are you showing me a path to sight the silver lining.

I sometimes wonder, are you really there, oh providence
as sometimes I feel that you are just a nuisance.
The whole time, either you sit busy in some trance
or with angels and nymphs, you are busy in a dance.

I sometimes wonder, are you really there, oh providence
when, to me, I wonder, you’ll provide my life’s essence.
I worry that by then, I would’ve thread the path of destruction
as surely would have gone away, what I had as devotion.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Whenever I pick my pen and every word that I write
it makes me think of you though you aren’t in sight.
I still can’t understand, you, how I went onto loose
as for me, till eternity, you were to be my muse.

In someone else’s company and memories, you spend the night
and since I cant sleep, all I can do is to think of you as I write
remembering every moment that we shared of love and lust
unable to understand how you to decided to break my trust.

In life, is slowly going away all that I had as zest
as by myself, I am undergoing this bitter test.
As usual, to vent my woes, every word that I write
I just hope that you’ll come back to make life bright.

To God, if he is there, I can think to offer my thanks
if he decides to make you to give me second glance.
Will be proved that he takes decisions that are right
and then I’ll make you read every word that I used to write.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


BACKGROUND: To someone I had asked once, through a work obviously ……:)

She must know, for me and all, how to cook
and feed something that isn’t there in the book.
“Food is the way to a man’s heart” they say
which hopefully her cooking, I can relish night & day.”

And she had replied…….“ i cook well !! but yet to learn non veg dishes :P”

But the reality is best said in this poem :(

The initial days itself, I remember asking whether you could
just for me, something special, you cook something as food.
Though a meal for me, from you, was not the necessity
the taste of your cuisine was the key towards eternity.

To get you anything, I was ready even to go the wood(s)
so that I could relish what all you prepared as food.
One day, thought I, that you will take the role of my mother
as we would plan to lead life, by being always together.

At times, I felt, for me, I must have said YOU SHOULD
prepare something truly unique and special as food.
Somehow, each time, I felt, that you, I mustn’t bother
and all I did was to wait for things to get better.

Now, that from my life, you have left me for good
I wonder why I wasn’t destined to eat your food.
Thanks to you, to eat nowadays, I don’t see the reason
as without you, whatever I consume, its like slow poison.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Dear all,

Another work inspired by this picture that can be found in Chandana’s- MYRIAD HUES album


Thanks once again Chandana for allowing me to get inspired!!

It may look I am with people whom I’ve known
but there isn’t any who can be called as my own.
As comes every morning and goes on the eventide
all that I can do is to, from one and all, stand aside.

People, as usual, in life, come and quickly go
though there would be some whom I would know.
Yet, they appear to’ve not even a bit of concern
as my companionship, they tend to spurn.

Sometimes I wish that It would just rain
so that would go away my enduring pain.
Iam all red due to, in my heart, a lot of scar
and so, this is what, as a relief, I look for.

All I hope is the arrival of a new dawn

so that in life, I can somehow move on.
Hopefully, people then can feel my presence
and stop deeming me as a nuisance.