Wednesday, March 19, 2008


For once, I write about an issue of concern
that exists without any rhyme or reason.
Since it is something that concerns our generation
it is like a gap that causes, amongst us, frustration.

In some ways, with our folks, we don’t seem to agree
and eye in eye, just we cannot think, at all, to see.
We think it’s in the present that we are to belong and hence our people think something that’s wrong.

Best of our ways we use, to them, to try and explain
and sometimes all these efforts would end up in vain.
Apparently, something’s our folks aren’t keen to learn
as its not for them, from us, to tell them to unlearn.

Regarding money, they feel that we must be some sage
who, after its been earned, within limits, has to see to its manage.
All this gyan especially we have to hear their say
when we are staying with them at home or on a holiday .

All these things and more, we have to endure
as the escape route, one isn’t really sure.
Especially when we get home, from a party, late
and if we escape scolding’s, its only due to good fate.

Worst is when they begin to assume that their child
has turned out to be a spoilt brat as well as wild.
Just because in their youth they had to unfortunately suffer
grounding the child is the best, they feel, for him or her.

It will be some sort of everyone’s benediction
that one day will come to this, some sort of solution
so that it will assure our kids, about this, we tell
and in a proper way we can bring up them well

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so very true !!!