Tuesday, March 31, 2009


ossesing you, undergoing pain, I don’t mind

A nother like you, I know, I won’t be able to find

I n reality, there is no gain without pain

N ever do I want my efforts to go in vain

I n your love, I want to, forever bask

S oothing my pain, for you, mustn’t be a task

A sunder people around are doing to my heart

D eath only can think to do each of us apart

D ay and night, thinking of you I bleed

I nstead that increases, for me, your need

C upid, to bring us together, didn’t do a mistake

T ogether, still, a future, both of us, can make

I ncreasing every minute, without you, is the pain

V itriolic people maybe, and for me they are a bane

E ntire body and soul of mine, to you, I offer

:) is what I’ll have when we are finally together

Sunday, March 29, 2009


n life, some people are unforgettable

N eed for them, therefore, becomes inevitable

E very night and day, your thoughts come to the mind

E nlivening my life, I hope you’ll, by being kind

D esires of yours, all of them, slowly, I’ll fulfill

Y ours I’ll remain, till me, God, decides to kill

O nus is on you to understand my sincere need

U, me and us, together life, we can always lead

Friday, March 27, 2009


Inspired by the picture :)

T rying hard to keep them away

E nsuring all is ok, come what may

A ll though it makes me feel terrible

R epressing of memories isn’t possible

S miles has now become very rare

:( is what, on my face, I wear

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Time seems to be going at a snail’s pace
and to show anyone, I don’t have a face.
I am unsure as to what direction it’ll take
and so, from this sleep, I don’t want to wake.

My body, from long, has started to feel weary
I know not, myself, how I am going to carry.
What all I’ve to endure to go onto rake
and so from this sleep, I don’t want to wake.

Though for some memories, I’ll feel glad
but what all wrongs I did, leaves me sad.
A lot of mistakes, follies, I went to make
and so, from this sleep, I don’t want to wake.

I can see that eternally I’ve to live with shame
as in some ways, I have disgraced my name.
All this and more has gone to cause a lot of ache
and so, from this sleep, I don’t want to wake.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

MY TEARS IN THE RAIN….(Suggest a better title)

An impromptu work that came to the mind as it rained here briefly last afternoon..

Whenever you hear the roaring from the cloud
remember one thing that its saying by being loud
that what all you are giving me now as pain
it will be as tears that you’ll get to see as rain.

I know, at times, I had unleashed my fury
but afterwards, each time, I always felt sorry.
Yet from them, thought you, that nothing you’ll gain
and now its my tears that you’ll get to see in the rain.

Though you may think to chant someone else’s name
my feelings, for you, forever, will remain the same.
Even it hurts, till I die, I’ll never let it to wane
though it’ll be my tears that you’ll get to see as rain.

I know that, in this world, I am doomed to be all alone
as my destination in future, to God also, isn’t known.
Yet wherever you are and you enter any familiar lane
remember it’ll be my tears that you’ll get to see as rain.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


ove of someone was something I had

I nvincible I felt and always felt glad

F eelings that we shared were mutual

E ntire day and night, happiness was real

T houghts were connected to a special person

H eaven was on earth just to get enliven

E ternity was the journey for both to go

N ever thought we, disloyalty, we would show

L one Iam beginning to feel without a clue

I n life, I know not what all I can do

F utile seems on this earth, my existence

E verything around seems to be a nuisance

N ear to me, someone will never come

O nly memories remain, that to, some

W retched I’ve become and feel to grimace

:( is the only thing now remaining on my face

Monday, March 23, 2009

NOSTALGIA :) –An acrostic

N udged it gets, somewhere in the mind

O mnipresent and of an unique kind

S entiments also, it may involve

T ime will never allow it dissolve

A tleast gives something to smile

L eaves us never, even for a while

G ood or bad, for us, it is inevitable

I n our hands, it lies to make it memorable

A bundant it maybe and we mustn’t go to efface

:) is what a thought of it, should leave our face

I LOVE YOU-an acrostic

I n your arms, I want to go to sleep

L onely that I am, often I feel to weep

O nly you can provide, in life, some essence

V ital is for me now, your esteemed presence

E mbrace me in your life so that together we can spend

Y ours I want to remain, till the very end

O racle on this earth, for me, is you and so I need

U nderstanding you, I‘ll do, in word and deed

Sunday, March 22, 2009


On my T-shirt, it says that I play an air guitar and air drum
which isn’t the fact though I know not how to curb my boredom.
Time seems to go, on its own pace and that too so slow
that I dread what, the next moment, to me, it’ll show.

On my T-shirt, it says that I play an air guitar and air drum
I just don’t know how long to endure this ongoing humdrum.
About something’s in the past, I still repent and feel the pain
and just hope that redemption from these, one day, I’ll gain.

On my T-shirt, it says that I play an air guitar and air drum
I just detest that around me I have so much of a freedom.
Each time, without even a proper rhyme or a reason
my mind goes to think of some special person.

On my T-shirt, it says that I play an air guitar and air drum
and though wearing this one is really rare and seldom
it reminds me of the person who gifted me and was special
as forever in my life of mine, she will be extremely vital.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


How much to you, that night I made a plea
that you, once again, I wanted to just see.
Though you said that you were no longer mine
now also, it is for your love, I still pine.

For that moment, from long, I used to dread
as I knew that I wont be able to move ahead.
Now that things aren’t the same nor is it fine
and that’s why, for your love, I still pine.

To see you, one day, I may’ve to stand in a que
when that will happen, I just don’t have a clue.
To steal a glance, I wouldn’t mind breaking the line
as for your love, forever I will always pine.

Yet I’ll still look forward for some sort of a chance
so that once again, our lives, we can think to enhance.
Surely by that, my life would reach the elusive cloud nine
as for your love, today and forever, I will always pine.

Friday, March 20, 2009


We deem him someone superior and wise
at times, it feels all that he does is play dice
in a manner that we may be not able to comprehend
what he really had in mind when something he went to send.

We deem him someone superior and wise
at times, it feels all that he does is play dice
as it looks that he is blind and cant give a glance
regarding happenings and hence doesn’t give a chance.

We deem him someone superior and wise
at times, it feels all that he does is play dice.
that he takes away those things that we desire
and makes our lives go completely haywire.

We deem him someone superior and wise
at times, it feels all that he does is play dice.
as though his names, we may go onto chant
we still don’t get all that we deserve and want.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Exactly on this day, a year ago
someone interesting, I got to know.
Little did I know that my life would change
just by the pleasantries that we would exchange.

Exactly on this day, a year ago
someone interesting, I got to know.
By her dealings, she used to make me smile
and forget myself completely for a while.

Exactly on this day, a year ago
someone interesting, I got to know.
Very soon, we had become so inseparable
and for me, her company was really memorable.

Exactly on this day, a year ago
someone interesting, I got to know.
Alas now, all those days seems like farce
as I am left with a broken heart with scars.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


You know that it is her love that I always sought
knowing that she would be bound by your thought.
Yet, in my dreams even, one thing, I didn’t perceive
that all this would have made her like a captive.

Though I knew that this would be a challenge from beginning
I dismissed it lightly assuming that it would be a mere feeling.
Even though, for a while, I thought I must let her go
It was done so that, true love, to me, she would show.

Yet, I failed in all my attempts to make her only mine
as in a way, for your presence, she would still pine.
It looked like you had cast some sort of a spell
that only with you, she could manage to jell.

Even now, all that I ask you is to set her free
without much of an ado, she comes back to me.
In this period of loneliness, her presence I want
so that, till my last breath, her name I can chant.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Those days when someone used to ask “will you leave me?”
that was something, from her, I never wanted to hear or see.

Confident I was thinking it would never ever happen
as we deemed ourselves as a couple sent from heaven.

Those days when someone used to ask “will you leave me?”
that was something, from her, I never wanted to hear or see.

Though in many ways and deeds, we were tangibly different
proper decision, for anything, thought we could take by being prudent.

Those days when someone used to ask “will you leave me?”
that was something, from her, I never wanted to hear or see.

Thought each of us that our love would eternally everlast
and being bound to each other, we would never be lost.

Those days when someone used to ask “will you leave me?”
that was something, from her, I never wanted to hear or see.

Alas, she has left me alone in this world, high and dry
and all that I can do is sit back and heave a sigh.

Monday, March 16, 2009


C eases to be a condition of the mind.

O nly within ourself, it, we can find.

U nderstanding how to display, decision, we’ve to make.

R age is with something that this, we tend to mistake.

A hero, through this, to become everyone may seek.

G entleness, if one shows, mustn’t be thought that they are meek.

E xtending one’s hand to help, we must, if there is a need

! is what, must have happened to your mind after this read.


Somewhere I lie, unnoticed in the corner
as about me, my master doesn’t bother.
It looks like, offlate, I dont’ve any use
ever since went away my master’s muse.

Earlier I was always plugged to my master’s ear
so that endearing words, from his love, he could hear.
At times, to themselves, I know not what they would hiss
apart from the numerous times, they planted each other a kiss.

Feelings for each other was always going to be vital
and how to be in touch was also that was crucial.
Yet, not even once, thought my master about a stage
that one day, without her, he would have to manage.

Alas, the present happenings make me feel abject
as because of it, I am in a state of being a neglect.
As I see my master struggle even after hitting the sack
I just wish that his sweetheart, one day, decides to come back.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

WEEKENDS…(An acrostic)

W hy do they come, I can’t understand

E nduring them alone, I know not beforehand

E njoyment ceases and sets in a feeling of bore

K nown people, towards me, tend to ignore

E nd of Friday, sets in me a lot of panic

N one on these two days, my calls, they’ll pick

D ay and night, these two days, are the same

S taying sane is what demands this game

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Every night, in my dreams, I still see you
as how to endure life alone, I’ve no clue.
I feel like being stranded like an orphan
and I detest the arrival of the morning sun.

Every night, in my dreams, I still see you
as how to endure life alone, I’ve no clue.
People, in me, no longer see the zest
and has gone away the necessity to jest.

Every night, in my dreams, I still see you
as how to endure life alone, I’ve no clue.
For all the mistakes I did, I’ll take the blame
as long as it helps me to re-chant your name.

Every night, in my dreams, I still see you
as how to endure life alone, I’ve no clue.
All that I can do is, to myself, let out a sob
remembering the time when you were my heartthrob.

Friday, March 13, 2009


T he penultimate sign in the zodiac

H eavens know how powerful they sting

E nslave them and they’ll never retrac(t)

S ensuousness to their partner, they bring

C reative they tend to always be

O mnipresent they are and tough to be devoid

R esourcefulness in several things, one may see

P als and friends, they cant avoid

I ntellect is there, though narrow

O h! they are so charimastic

M ind is focused about the tomorrow

A nother love like them, you cant pick

N aïve they cease to always be

! is what I would’ve made you to see


It is something that couldn’t be decide by a toss
as to by ending this relation, it was whose loss.
But all I can do is to reflect back and ponder
as to what all I committed as a blunder.

Yet, I cant help to, on myself, feel cross
as now I sincerely, in my life, feel your loss.
Your ways and dealings, I didn’t try to understand
or make any attempts to learn them beforehand.

If each other, one day, we had to suffer a loss
to bring us together, I don’t understand the cause.
Maybe it was meant to be a prank or nuisance
that was played by none other than providence.

Atleast I prefer to give my life a pause
and analyze, you, how I could have a loss.
Then I’ll ensure that in my next birth
I’ll undo my mistakes to ensure mirth.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Loosely inspired by a work by the same name and that can be found here:
http://mylifeinrhymingwords.blogspot.com/2009/02/lets-get-lost-together.html. Thanks Meena for making me read your work and get inspired!!

Oh beloved of mine! somewhere lets get lost together
so that I can whisk you away somewhere farther
that it will be impossible for anyone to locate
and in any way, to make us to separate.

In any way, I will never ever make you suffer
and in whatever way, my support, I’ll offer.
All by ourselves, in our love, we will bask
as for doing that, we needn’t sham or put a mask.

If at any time, you were to feel weary
in my arms, you, I’ll surely go to carry.
That for me, would be something like a favour
so that the love in your eyes, I can go onto savour.

As we elope and from all, go out of reach
a lesson, about love, to others, lets teach
that we are a couple, truly from heaven
and in our own ways, our life, we’ll enliven.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


At one time, to each other, both had sworn
that forever, they would be each other's own.
Yet when the day came that all would be gone
still would it be so easy to move on?

Maybe it was meant to be the quirk of fate
that separated us leaving me atleast irate.
Even if with sadness i woke up each dawn
in reality, would it so easy to move on.

Atleast my mind would never be at ease
as it cant understand, how you,i couldn’t please.
Even if you had treated me as, in your flesh, a thorn
i would want to know in reality, would it so easy to move on.

Guess for something’s did not have the knack
or else i was too late to seal the crack.
Even if about somethings, someone had forewarn
i would want to know if its easy to move on

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


C ommunication can take place only through this medium

O nly way for us to beat the daily, ongoing humdrum

N ever can we think, from this, abstinence

V ital it is for each other’s existence

E ars we have two, so that from the other, we can hear

R arely does anyone go to, other’s views, to clear

S ound and noice, for it, are the biggest barrier

A ttention to details, somehow we turn a deaf ear

T ime needs to be given so that everyone have their say

I gnorance of ideas is what makes us to keep others at bay

O nus is on us, how others, we give the encouragement

N on verbals also make it look very prominent

S ilence also has the power to leave a lot unsaid

! is what this work must have done to your head

Monday, March 9, 2009


Memories could be so very strange
and in us, of a varied type and range
that some make our funny bone to tickle
few see to the lachrymal glands to trickle.

For all of us, it is something very integral
that it is not that easy to give it a burial.
Only when our bodies cease to live
from our minds, we can make it to leave.

At times, there might have been a reason
or might have heralded some sort of a season
that these memories might have got surface
which hopefully doesn’t make one to grimace.

If what one has stored is heartfelt and real

It would be always apt to see to its revival.
Atleast one can, looking back, to let out a smile
that would’ve ceased from the face from a while.

As this work, I sat back and began to write
It reminded me of someone who is out of sight.
All I can hope is if one day, this she goes to read
she will understand, her presence, is what I need.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Those days, when to ourselves, we used to go on a walk
all that we had to do was let our eyes to do the talk.
About people around or the crowd, we hardly used to care
as long as, on each other’s face, a smile we went to wear.

Those days, when to ourselves, we used to go on a walk
our arms, in each others, we used to make it lock.
Nothing, we thought in this world, would take us away
and to anyone else, we thought never would we sway.

Those days, when to ourselves, we used to go on a walk
what to talk and do, we never used to run out of stock.
What all I did so that your weariness would get dispel
as my intention was to see you, fit, fine and well.

Those days, when to ourselves, we used to go on a walk
our future together, we unfortunately never went to chalk.
Had we decided to be in each other’s thick and thin
atleast in this present situation, I would not’ve been in.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Those nights whenever we used to indulge in “lust”
on each other, we used to have so much of trust
that we would never think to cause each other harm
and just that, by basking in it, we would feel warm.

Those nights whenever we used to indulge in “lust”
on each other, we used to have so much of trust
that, as we went on, unleashing each other’s passion
we took care that it don’t cross the realms of fascination.

Those nights whenever we used to indulge in “lust”
on each other, we used to have so much of trust
that from something we always went to restrain
so that happiness, in the long run, we could gain.

Those nights whenever we used to indulge in “lust”
on each other, we used to have so much of trust
that I never expected that you would go away somewhere
and leave me alone, with memories and none to care.

Friday, March 6, 2009

DOCTORS DO CRY-A reflection on the book…

From time immemorial, their profession has been deemed sagacious
as they have been bound by the oath laid down by Hippocrates.
Yet, at times, they too cant give an explanation as to why
that there would be instances that would make them to cry.

An examination would clearly make it evident
as to what has happened to whom they call ‘patient’.
A lump in the throat they feel when they have to disclose
something serious or if it’s a chapter they have to close.

Some go by what their two or four eyes gives as a glance
and few may contemplate it is better to give a second chance.
Even though this is regarded as the era of modern science
a miniscule would still go by what says their conscience.

They are meant to maintain a stiff upper lip and not be emotional
and make as well as take decisions by being, in all ways, neutral.
Yet, when the patients they are unable to heal or cure
wonder, how the ensuing guilt, they manage to endure.

For long, it has been seen as the noblest profession
in many people’s mind, it has aroused a fascination.
Surely those who don the white gown, won’t go to disown
even if meant that for long, they have to see ups and down.

As the book, in a sitting, I managed to somehow read
thought I that it would better if I did a noble deed
by what I felt, as a gist, I go about and shed light
and put my views without caring it was wrong or right.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


I just don’t know what future, to me, will bring

and when a happy note, I’ll ever able to sing.

So slowly seems to march ahead the time

that being to myself appears to be a big crime.

Certain things, few months back, I never went to expect

and now also, there are few that I am not going to accept.

In everyone’s mind, to them, I am their biggest foe

and I know not, to whom, my sadness, I can show.

None with me, apparently wants to be my friend

and to rest my weary shoulders, none ready to lend.

Everyone puts up the garb of being so very busy

or is that they don’t want to be incommoded when cozy.

I know not what is running in the mind of my parent

but for sure, about me, they are out to sigh and lament.

All their hopes on me seem to have got crash

as it will take me long to raise from the ash.

Atleast before there was someone whom I called mine

and for me, she always used to be the key to cloud nine.

Alas, quirk of fate made her, from me, to go far away

and its only memories of hers, that are out to stay.

How, will be, I don’t want to know, my life

as, now, I want to get removed of all my strife.

Atleast all I can do is to hope for a new dawn

so that, once again, I can successfully, march on.