Wednesday, March 5, 2008


The broken pieces of my heart, crimson blogs of emotion.

cracked up with thousand cells, reasons seen and unseen.

Thoughts, from hither and dither, made the head spin in motion

that i did not know, how and from where, i should glean.

Came back to me, something that had happened in the past

ignorance was in me, at that time, as it was extremely new.

Time, as usual, was scarce as things were happening so fast

and i was like a new born, from the womb, without a clue.

In the past, in my life, in someway, i thought to enliven

and hence had marched on, without any fear, on such a path.

It was such that it was meant, not for all, as it was forbidden

as i knew, if i were to, i had to incur, from many, their wrath.

But people, end of the day, turned out to be right

and dawned on me, though belated,some sort of wisdom.

That if i go beyond, from that stage,what is in my sight

I would end up, by one and all, being called as dumb.

Atleast,in peace, i dont have to think to heave a sigh

and not feel, an iota of regret, for not committing a folly.

Still,some things and people,no longer, i may get to see eye to eye

as, the blame for that,is what i got to take, on me, only.

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