Tuesday, March 18, 2008


They say that blessed are those few
who get live, in their lives, thats true.
As, if it were to happen, whenever
their side,it would, leave, never.

But the movie CHEENI KUM left with a thought
whether, love to all, would be there, who sought.
And all those who desired it, eventually would get
so that their lonely lives, they could, somehow set.

If a man at the ripe age of sixty four
in his life,think something is in store
would the same be there in today's reality
i wonder apart from being a part of a story!!

Or is it a sort of,who knows, a motivation
for our "fathers" and "uncles" of the old generation
that they can think, in their lives, to go astray
as other women, apart from our mothers, will come their way!!

For once, this was an unexplained puzzle
that though may look insignificantly trivial.
So, for once i gave it a thought real hard
though i call myself an easy going bard!!

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