Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Even though I thread towards disaster's brink

about you, my mind is still out to think.

Dont you think my joy i could regain

if one day we were to meet again?.

Your memories, from me, aren't ready to leave

and for my follies,heart isn't willing to forgive.

Still to make ammends, a chance, I hope i get again

if one day we were to meet again.

Frustration seems to have reached the hilt

as never i knew, that one day, the balance would tilt.

I wish,i could apologize, for those days for being vain

if one day we were to meet again.

My mind still has the image of your face

as somehow till now,it hasn't been able to efface.

I still hope that one day would go away all the pain

if one day we were to meet again.

Till now, i would still say that you are among the few.

Yet,how and why you left me, i still don't have a clue.

I would have counted to tell you, in the beach, all the sand grain

if one day we were to meet again.

Now without you, Iam good as blind

and in the darkness,my way,not able to find.

I wonder if you will be there with a walking cane

if one day we were to meet again.

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