Tuesday, April 7, 2009


For the first time, to each other, we said “ I LOVE YOU, ME TOO”
it was an experience that was going to be something new.
Thought that we would eternally be with one other
and nothing on this earth would take us away farther.

From then now, it became a vow that we had to renew
which happened each time we said “ I LOVE YOU, ME TOO”.
It used to give a feeling that used to be truly divine
and lead both of us to savour every bit of cloud nine.

Strength was there to oppose who came as a villain
and no task on earth appeared in any ways, to be Herculean.
Just a hear of the “mantra” “ I LOVE YOU, ME TOO”
gave so much confidence, from where, I had no clue.

Alas, who knew that a game would be played by fate
and would get fixed, for our relation, an expiry date.
If then itself, about something like this happening, I knew
I wouldn’t have ever gone to say “ I LOVE YOU, ME TOO”.

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