Monday, April 6, 2009

FRIENDSHIP-an Acrostic

F eeling we get in it is special

R ealizing its importance is crucial

I nteresting journey it can turn out to be

E njoyment in different ways, we can see

N eeds time to mature and grow

D iffrences, to come, we mustn’t allow

S ustaining it over time is the key

H eart that is open, in us, must be

I ndebted we must be, who all we get

P recious since they are, we mustn’t forget


Amias (ljm and liquidplastic) said...

You nailed it ... friendship must grow ...

"Need time to mature and grow"

I couldn't have said it any better. This is the root of all friendships!

Bharath said...

Really lovely thoughts here..Nice eclecticism of didactics too..:)

anthonynorth said...

You've covered the subject fully there. Excellent.

Maggie said...

Any journey in life can be enjoyed when there is a friend nearby to lighten the steps on the travels.

Ofira Sephiroth said...

I agree, in order to sustain any friendship it has to mature.