Sunday, April 19, 2009

OPPURTUNITY :) -An acrostic

O nce only, we may get

P ut it way, we may later regret

P roactive sometimes, we’ve to be

U tilization, we should do it properly

R eacting to it, should be done with care

T houghts of it, should always be there

U seless all will say, if you let it go aside

N obody, another one, won’t provide

I nvovling people may make it easy

T eam work makes it more cozy

You, me and us, it, we must try and harness

:) is what we’ll see after getting success


anthonynorth said...

A good analysis of opportunity. Enjoyed that.

The Write Girl said...

I like your interpretation of opportunity and nice picture to accompany it.

Amias (ljm and liquidplastic) said...

When opportunity knock, if we don't jump on it we lose -- sometimes it may never come around again.

This was indeed a good analysis of opportunity, and I like the pic too!

Ofira Sephiroth said...

Great interpretation of opportunity.