Sunday, April 12, 2009


DISCLAIMER:This work is based on the picture that I’ve incorporated here. Hope doesn’t connote anything against the rules of writing an acrostic or morality!!

F emme fatale that she is, in her eyes, lies this gift

A lluring men, like me, she does, by being swift

T empting me, she is, and making me loose my mind

A nother like her, for the night, I won’t be able to find

Lust from her, is the key for me to get a feel of heaven

A ttraction laws, just seem to get broken

T ommorow’s that are forever, her sight, I can’t forget

T aste of her love, is now what I want to get

R are she is and continues to bewitch

A ll of hers, I want to savour, by a mere twitch

C ontrol, I can’t think to do, to my urge

T ender something ceases to be and out to bulge

I nvincible I seem to become and to face any turbulence

O h!! finally she seems to notice my presence

N eed for her has been there from an hour

:P is what all may say if this encounter turns out sour


Bharath said...


Specially that "trademark ending exclamation of yours"

Nice and innovative..:)

anthonynorth said...

Nicely done. Enjoyed that.

Amias (ljm and liquidplastic) said...

This is indeed a fatal attraction .... if it's true, I know you handled it well. I enjoyed reading.

Maggie said...

Thanks for sharing your writing.