Friday, April 24, 2009

PAINFUL MEMORIES :( -An acrostic

P lacid, offlate, I cease to be

A bjectness is what, in me, I see

I nternally chaos, always going on

N ot allowing me to move on

F ate, I knew not, would be so cruel

U nable to forget someone so vital

L ost always in that someone’s thought

M irthful, I can’t be like the other lot

E nd of my life, these will remain

M emorable few are, all in vain

O h! why do they to, the mind bring

R ipped I am within and sad note I sing

I nside the heart is full of scars

E xistence looks like a farce

S till lot of them, I can’t efface

:( is what has remained on my face

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