Wednesday, May 27, 2009


M iracle she was, while on this earth

O rphans, she saw to,never had a dearth

T houghts she had, about poor’s upliftment

H umility in her was always prominent

E mpathy she showed for the abject

R adiance through her deeds, she used to project

T olerance, she had in her, which was ample

E nsured that she led others through example

R eally lucky were people of the 20th century

E ntire generation got inspired by her story

S aint, she was proclaimed by the POPE

A nother like her, we’ll get to see, I hope


BWA Judge 2 said...

Bard you did a very good job with Mother Teresa. She was my heroine.

Savannah said...

Congratulations! You are an Acrostic Only BWA Winner!

Anonymous said...

so very cute teresa supot!!