Saturday, May 16, 2009


Someone had once said: “…..wsh i cud buy my laptop n be wd u online ... :(…..”

Reality, as usual, is said through this work :(

Ever since you got internet connection with that accursed laptop

with me ,you decided, all sorts of contact, once for all, to stop

so that, you continue, with one and all, at the drop of a hat

to indulge in your favourite pastime of an online chat.

Ever since you got internet connection with that accursed laptop

with me ,you decided, all sorts of contact, once for all, to stop

thinking that I could no longer be a source to give you cloud nine

and hence sought to get it from people whom you got to know online.

Ever since you got internet connection with that accursed laptop

with me ,you decided, all sorts of contact, once for all, to stop

no longer, you started to feel a necessity, me, to regularly meet

as you literally had the whole world and universe under your feet.

Ever since you got internet connection with that accursed laptop

with me ,you decided, all sorts of contact, once for all, to stop

as one day you will understand what all you caused me as pain

and how technology, for our relation, turned out to be the bane.

1 comment:

Freelancer said...

ouch...that was harsh