Sunday, May 10, 2009

I MISS YOU ********

Forced to conceal the name of the gal whom I miss, though she doesn’t ever care a damn about me thanks to others in her life :(

I n your memories, offlate, I sit and drink

M emories we shared, about them, I think

I nseperable we were, at one time, you know

S weetheart for me, forever, is only you

S omethings of the past, lets bury

Y ours I want to be, before I feel sorry

O nly to you, I can tell, how much I need

U, me and us, together, life still we can lead

* ure love that I got from you, I cant forget

* adiant, through you, in my life, I want to get

* ttractive to the eyes you are, surely a bliss

* alkative nature of yours, I still miss

* ntellectual like you, I want to become

* eauty with brains you are, a true gem

* umorous nature of mine, I tend to lack

* miable that you are, please take me back

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