Friday, May 29, 2009



This work was written during a powercut that I was made to “endure” from 8.00 AM till 7.00 PM :o..Since was at home, was made to face the brunt :(.Open to your reviews..:P

Had decided before itself the authorities of the KPTCL

by making it look, for citizens, as something really cruel

by ensuring that today, in some parts of Bangalore city

we would not have, even a little bit, of electricity.

In the morning, I was still immersed in my beauty sleep

and hearing the news, made me wake up with a leap.

I just didn’t have a clue as to what to do or say

as I knew that it would turn out to be a boring day.

So when happened inevitably the unavoidable power cut

I knew that it was going to be like a pain in the b**t.

Thought I how I would end up doing the whole day, time pass

by being at home without going to office or any tutorial class.

Somehow time, in its own way, come and move on

nothing could be done as before itself, they went to warn.

Atleast when came the evening, 7 PM, ended my grief

as the power got restored much to everyone’s relief.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

JUBILATION- An acrostic

J ust waiting for the Sunday

U and me, can’ve fun all day

B ring all your friends along

I nvolve them in dance and song

L aughter would be around in the air

A ll will let loose their hair

Time will simply fly

I’ll make them feel high

O h!! here is my magic wand

N ext time, I’ll make it more grand

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Now that from my life, you have taken a leave

I cant understand why I should continue to live

as every moment, all that I am doing is enduring pain

and feel that being around is the biggest bane.

Now that from my life, you have taken a leave

I cant understand why I should continue to live.

Even though outside glows the radiant sun

to bask in it,like before I don’t see any reason.

Now that from my life, you have taken a leave

I cant understand why I should continue to live.

When in this lifetime, I didn’t deserve to get your love

I don’t want to dance to the tunes of someone above

Now that from my life, you have taken a leave

I cant understand why I should continue to live.

I see nowhere, for me, your esteemed presence

and so is becoming meaningless my existence.


M iracle she was, while on this earth

O rphans, she saw to,never had a dearth

T houghts she had, about poor’s upliftment

H umility in her was always prominent

E mpathy she showed for the abject

R adiance through her deeds, she used to project

T olerance, she had in her, which was ample

E nsured that she led others through example

R eally lucky were people of the 20th century

E ntire generation got inspired by her story

S aint, she was proclaimed by the POPE

A nother like her, we’ll get to see, I hope

Monday, May 25, 2009



BOM is BARD OF MUMBAI ie CHINMAYA.(to the right)

BS is BABY SAINT ie RAJ.(to the left)


The stage had been, long before, set

when, the BOM and SD had met.

Though that happened nearly a year

POETRY had made distances look near.

Through his testimonials, an image he used to paint

and that was the claim to fame in the case of BS.

Something dark to write on was what SD used to covet

and that’s what made him known as the DARK POET.

Suddenly came a call to the BOM, one evening

and it was SD who said that he would be coming.

Being a BARD, he felt that it was like a reward

as to meet his colleague, he could look forward.

Soon came Saturday and in the morning

the BOM was about to go about roaming.

But he decided to take around, with him, SD

so that he knew about some sights in the city though many.

Since the SD had left his city and also his home

how he felt, its not known, as they went onto roam.

It struck the BOM that to increase some felicity

it would best to meet BS to complete the trinity.

So just before the sun set that evening

happened, after long, a sort of meeting

that atleast for the BOM was unforgettable

and hopefully for the others, equally memorable.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


I am someone made out of pure milk and ghee

that to someone special, a patron used to give me.

It used to make the meeting so very memorable

as I also was equally tasty and irresistible.

Though by eating me, hunger wouldn’t appease

atleast by giving it to her, the boy would try to please.

It was symbolic of almost, of theirs, every meet

so that the mood would remain for them, upbeat.

At times, the girl would break me into two

taking one for him, the other she would chew.

Slowly and steadily, it would, in the mouth, dissolve

and feelings for each other, would slowly evolve.

Though I wasn’t something great to make as a purchase

for quite a long time, this went on as a craze.

My size, like any other, was really trivial and small

but apparently, atleast it made each other, in love, to fall.

Anyways, now, a real long time it has been

that to purchase me ,the boy I’ve seen.

Maybe one more time, to her, if he were to offer

differences of opinion they had, may turn out to be better.

Friday, May 22, 2009


Every night, I try hard to get my share of sleep

as I cant stop when my heart is out to weep.

Every night comes to me, your thought

and without you, in life, I am out to rot.

Every night, I think of what happened in the past

and wonder why we couldn’t, like others, everlast.

Every night I miss the love, from you, I used to get

and now without it, I feel worse than an abject.

Every night comes to my mind how we used to talk

and why, the aisle, we weren’t meant to walk.

Every night I wonder what you may be upto

and wonder as to why I have no longer any clue.

Every night I pray that my mind gets some peace

so that for a few hours, I can sleep at ease.

Every night, I wish that it, wouldn’t have to end

as the next day, without you,I wouldn’t know how to spend.


L ife through it, can get sublime

O nly it can stand the test of time

V ital it is for human existence

E xpecting this as a boon from providence

Thursday, May 21, 2009


A year ago, I knew not what was in store

as one evening, I was feeling so very bore

that to “someone” I make a STD call

knowing that, in popularity, she stood tall.

Though in the background, there was some noise

there was magic in every bit of her sweet voice.

By the minute, my heart went on to take a leap

and the call, I just did not want to keep.

Days went by and talking to her became an addiction

and as passed the weeks, it was sure had passed infatuation.

By then CUPID had made a decision from above

that he gift, to each other, a lot of mutual love.

As went on,by the day, all types of conversation

all she wanted, from me, was a justification

that why not, I, to a familiar place, relocate

so that nothing could make us o get separate.

Realizing that, for me, her presence was vital

it was better, I felt, that I become again a local

so that we could plan to lead life till eternity

and ensure to give each other a lot of felicity.

Continued for some months, meets and talk

knowing that one day, the aisle we would walk.

But fate made all this look like just a trailer

by making it look that there wouldn’t be a future.

From long, she hasn’t gone to pick any of my call

and I remorse, with her, why, love, I went to fall.

Every moment makes life look its going to bleak

as even now, her presence, I eagerly seek.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Dear all,

This work is inspired by many such ROSE pictures like these that can be found in Chandana’s- MYRIAD HUES album.

After a look at this, who can think to oppose

as Stein rightly said “rose is a rose is a rose”. (1)

To the eyes, it is such a pretty treat

which nothing else, in this world, can beat.

The Bard had gone onto to give it a name

as he felt that incase it wanted some fame

it could go about having a sweet smell (2)

so that others, about it, would go onto tell.

For Chaucer, were someone’s thoughts night and day

as he remembered something about the month of May.

Maybe she was really like this, so very fair (3)

as a thought made him on the face, a smile ,to wear.

Few like Bates probably had got a gift from above

as in her life, the rose was a symbol of love. (4)

Though it is something that we all expect

few are those, in its true form, this, they get.

A minuscule of them, apparently dont’ve a clue

as to what a rose like this, has as its value.

Anne Bronte went onto rightly, to those, warn

that they mustn’t s crave if they didn’t like the thorn. (5)

Ray Evans opined to leave it with the sun and rain

or else, some promise, he thought, would be in vain. (6)

Maybe by being bound by some sort of an obligation

he felt was the way to always receive gratification.

Like these can be seen in life that is a garden

for Buscaglia, it was like a friend from heaven (7)

which probably meant, to him, everything

or else, he wouldn’t even get anything.

George Curtis felt he had a magic wand

as the moment a rose reached his hand

it always gave him some sort of fragrance (8)

that, for him, was like a gift from providence.

There is much more that can be said as a power

that is there in this innocent and beautiful flower.

Generations have gone and many more will come

but eulogies on these, will be there as a lumpsum.


(1) "Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose." -Gertrude Stein

(2)What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”- William Shakespeare

(3)And she was fair as is the rose in May.”- Geoffrey Chaucer

(4 Love planted a rose, and the world turned sweet.”- Katharine Lee Bates

(5)But he that dares not grasp the thorn should never crave the rose.”- Anne Bronte

(6)A rose must remain with the sun and the rain or its lovely promise won't come true.”- Ray Evans

(7)A single rose can be my garden... a single friend, my world.”- Leo Buscaglia

(8)The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose.”- George William Curtis


G enerations will come and go

A nother like him, world wont know

N on violence he went on to preach

D ivine he was and mass he went onto reach

H umility he had to face any sort of situation

I ndians are proud to call him father of the nation

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Please forgive me, I can’t stop love you

through you, the true meaning of love, I got to know.

Even though like Bryan Adams I may not be able to sing

I still feel, happiness to you, I can still go onto bring.

Please forgive me, I can’t stop love you

the vows we made then, why don’t we renew?

Your love, for me, in life, is there as scarcity

as I want you to be mine till eternity.

Please forgive me, I can’t stop love you

as my broken heart, only you can sew.

Day in and day out, I endure a lot pain

which will go away, if your love, I regain.

Please forgive me, I can’t stop love you

so that we can start a life that is new.

I’ll make sure that I fulfill what all you lack

starting from the moment, you deicide to be back.

Monday, May 18, 2009


BACKGROUND: One evening, both were lazing around when he suddenly noticed something!!

HE: its raining :O

SHE:a kiss in d rain !!!

HE:: its raining..cant u walk with me?

SHE: rememeber ... 28 ways to make a gal smile :)

HE: well u deserve much more than tat…


HE: chal,lets get drenched 2d bone…coz got an idea ;)

SHE: ok... tell

HE: well 1c ur thru with drenching , wil try2 carry u in my arms… n will kiss u 4 every step we keep

SHE: u will break ur neck in the first step itself (grinning)

HE: well if u break my neck, whole ni8 u'll have 2 treat me ;)


HE: ouch.. ouch.. ouch.. ouch.. ouch.. ouch.. ouch.. ouch.. ouch.. ouch


love u fr each kiss ... n give u one back too ...

muuah, muuah, muuah, muuah, muuah, muuah, muuah, muuah , muuah , muuah


Those days, I would deem you as someone insane

when you would feel happy to get drenched in the rain.

Even though it meant you would end up getting a cold

you would not listen to all, to you, that was being told.

Though I wouldn’t be anywhere near your lane

I would worry even if came the slightest rain.

Yet I dreamt and looked for as an experience

when I could kiss you in the rain’s presence.

So, whenever used to lash outside the rain

happiness, I wanted you to always gain.

I never once thought, on this action, I get wild

as I knew deep down, you were innocent as a child.

Alas, now whenever the clouds make it to rain

I just hope with it, goes away all I’ve as pain.

Whenever on my body or head, falls a rain drop

I wonder, why from my life, you decided to hop.