Friday, September 26, 2008


We all seem to be driven by the rate race

wherein everything seems to go on a fast pace.
For someone special, if time we arent able to spend
does that mean that out of sight is out of mind??

A couple may be chasing two diffrent career
and hence may not get time to be together.
Even if it their good times they cant rewind
does that mean that out of sight is out of mind??

To meet the other, may never come a situation
and maybe there a lot of uneasy apprehension.
Towards this, when the other thinks that it was unkind
does that mean that out of sight is out of mind??

Vry truely said is the eternal adage "IGNORANCE IS BLISS"
when certain special days and dates, one may miss.
To it, even if we might have turned an eye thats blind
does that mean that out of sight is out of mind??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

not necessary !! btw, nice thots :P