Friday, September 12, 2008


I know that you are someone truely divine
as with you, i can get my share of cloud nine.
You have given my life a completely new meaning
and thats why you are my adorable darling.

For me, being by your side, is what i need
which others may say that i've a lot of greed.
But its for someone like you, i've been waiting
as truely somehow you are my adorable darling.

All my worrries, i wish that you dispel
and help my wishes, in all ways, to propel.
In you i see that my cloud will've its silver lining
as forever you will be my adorable darling.

In your eyes, i see that you'll be there till eternity
as for each other's love, we'll have the necessity.
One thing, i'll always say till my life's last evening
that it is you who in my next birth who'll be my adorable darling.

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