Wednesday, September 10, 2008


It is something that is a part of us
that we adhere to without making a fuss.
Even if one were to think its too mundane
from it, we can never think to abstain.

Earlier, it was the responsibility of women
and now have ventured into it, many a men.
As it is very important for one's survival
it is followed religiously like a ritual.

For quite a few of them,it is a vocation
and few learn it out of sheer desperation.
God, for it, will never, an alternative send
as that would bring humanity to a complete end.

For some,it is a part of their nature
as it reflects what exists as their culture.
Though a lot of things, one may have to manage
the 'end product' is what one goes to rampage!!

Of it, in our contry, we've many a variety
that for others, it is matter of curiosity!!
So much that we indulge in thats so precious
that we can make the rest really feel jealous!!

Before the reader begins to think wrong
and wonders why the suspense was so long
let me reveal the answer to the poetry
was to bring awareness about COOKERY!!

For some, it is a divine science in itself
which cannot be quantified with all the pelf.
Some opine that for them its still an art
that for generations will never depart.

With vegetables and pulses, some have the edge
and few are dexterous when it comes to non-veg.
Whatever it maybe,that it may not be able to efface
this wonderful "gift" ever at all from human race.

This should be never thought as a bane
and that efforts would end up in vain.
Hence, one must never think to waste
food even if its lacking in taste.

Every day and night,whenver we relish
in our hearts, let us have this wish
that in our lives, if we can do one deed
once atelast lets partake,for those who need.

As a cook, our family may call us a gem
lets make diffrence to those who grow them.

They ensure that for us there is never scarcity
and in our ways, let us ensure their felicity.

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