Dedicated to all those "brave souls" who are either staying out or have stayed out at some point of time..Thanks to Shirish for the theme though i've included a part of my expereinces here, as usual..
Some of them, to stay out of family, may've a reason
and for few it may be like as thought its treason!!
Well, as life goes on and durings its course
one may've to invariably do a lot of chores.
Some seek pleasure in the kitchen what they cook
which may be a straight copy from the recipe book.
But the problem arises afterwards when one has to clean
so that it is a worthy place to say it can be seen!!
Another expereince is when one has to wash one's dress
and to wear it, inevitably, one will have to press.
Though the laundry is always there as an option
for few to do it by themselves gives self satisfaction.
If a place, if one were, with others share
it may happen, your clothes, others may wear.
It may appear that an attire, other may lack
and hence its a task to get it all those back!!
Staying together would entail dreams to chase
and problems that would come to bravely face.
All these makes the expereinces that one learn(s)
have a value much more than money can earn.
All that one hopes, day and night, is to see
that it is enusred, at all times, harmony.
Must be remembered that it is one thing to maintain
so that others around us, are never put in pain.
An expereince comes when one is forced to adjust
money so that the landlord always repose their trust.
It calls for a fair amonut of compromise and prudence
so that nothing goes haywire regarding one's expense.
Well,these were some thoughts that i could cite
about what may happen which in my own way, i highlight
so that apart from making the reader beaming a smile
i got something to do something to my time to while!!
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