Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Written keeping in mind the POETS MEET at Bangalore that took place on 14th of this month..

Amazing community, we are On ORKUT, that is unique.
Hearty that people are to improve after every critque.
Poets you find here are one of a kind.
Omnipresent, that we all are and hard to find.
Encouragement, to one all, we always show.
Talent is something that will,forever, flow.
Radiance in members, one will get to see.
You, me and us,a part of it, will always be.

To express our talents,it has been more than a medium
being a part of it makes us forget that life is a humdrum.

Poets and works of this community are really so rare
and from one and all,can be assured, their care.

Many a friends, through this, we have got to know
apart from the scraps, regularly their works they show.

A community,of our talents, it has made us proud
so that through our works, we can stand out in the crowd.

It has been a pleasure, work, that we get to read
and to get feedback that we always, to improve, need.

Onus is on one and all, to keep this spirit alive
and so fellow poets and bards,for this, let us strive.

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