Thursday, September 11, 2008


Offlate, we all have been, in some way or the other, affected by comments that have been passed by those who remain ANONYMOUS to us..This has evoked mixed responses among one and all..Anyways, thought to have my say egarding this matter in my own distinct way..Lets see what you've to say, in particular those "cowards" who have been plagueing our community..

Off late, there seems to be som much hue and cry
as the community members aren’t able to fathom why
few of them comment by maintaining their anonymity
as though in life, they don’t have their distinct identity.

While few of the remarks have been really vitriolic
which might have left the concerned person feel sick.
There are a miniscule few who’ve thought to move ahead
by not heeding to it either in their hearts or head.

Well, if you deem yourself really sagacious
what is the reason, one wonders, to be anonymous.
Though for their work, everyone would want a comment
how long, will they, like cowards, remain dormant.

Though they, from us, still continue to hide
let us take their comments always in stride.
It may be a blessing or some sort of a chance
that we have got so that our skills we can enhance.

One and all, as poets if we were to, one day, grow
what those anonymous think of our works, let us know.
Whenever, in future, we think and set out to write
let us take criticism in the spirit that is right.

While the days of those anonymous will come to an end
if needed, to them, an olive branch, let us all extend.
It is because of them that in a way we got to learn
and one day see to that good feedback is what we’ll earn.

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