Friday, March 13, 2009


T he penultimate sign in the zodiac

H eavens know how powerful they sting

E nslave them and they’ll never retrac(t)

S ensuousness to their partner, they bring

C reative they tend to always be

O mnipresent they are and tough to be devoid

R esourcefulness in several things, one may see

P als and friends, they cant avoid

I ntellect is there, though narrow

O h! they are so charimastic

M ind is focused about the tomorrow

A nother love like them, you cant pick

N aïve they cease to always be

! is what I would’ve made you to see

1 comment:

Amias (ljm and liquidplastic) said...

Yes, the Scorpion man is very sensual and independent!

I like your take on my brother, but I have never met a scorpion, male or female, that had a narrow intellect. Of course there are exceptions to every rule. ;)

Thank you for joining the fun, and do come back again!