Friday, March 6, 2009

DOCTORS DO CRY-A reflection on the book…

From time immemorial, their profession has been deemed sagacious
as they have been bound by the oath laid down by Hippocrates.
Yet, at times, they too cant give an explanation as to why
that there would be instances that would make them to cry.

An examination would clearly make it evident
as to what has happened to whom they call ‘patient’.
A lump in the throat they feel when they have to disclose
something serious or if it’s a chapter they have to close.

Some go by what their two or four eyes gives as a glance
and few may contemplate it is better to give a second chance.
Even though this is regarded as the era of modern science
a miniscule would still go by what says their conscience.

They are meant to maintain a stiff upper lip and not be emotional
and make as well as take decisions by being, in all ways, neutral.
Yet, when the patients they are unable to heal or cure
wonder, how the ensuing guilt, they manage to endure.

For long, it has been seen as the noblest profession
in many people’s mind, it has aroused a fascination.
Surely those who don the white gown, won’t go to disown
even if meant that for long, they have to see ups and down.

As the book, in a sitting, I managed to somehow read
thought I that it would better if I did a noble deed
by what I felt, as a gist, I go about and shed light
and put my views without caring it was wrong or right.

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