Thursday, March 12, 2009


Loosely inspired by a work by the same name and that can be found here: Thanks Meena for making me read your work and get inspired!!

Oh beloved of mine! somewhere lets get lost together
so that I can whisk you away somewhere farther
that it will be impossible for anyone to locate
and in any way, to make us to separate.

In any way, I will never ever make you suffer
and in whatever way, my support, I’ll offer.
All by ourselves, in our love, we will bask
as for doing that, we needn’t sham or put a mask.

If at any time, you were to feel weary
in my arms, you, I’ll surely go to carry.
That for me, would be something like a favour
so that the love in your eyes, I can go onto savour.

As we elope and from all, go out of reach
a lesson, about love, to others, lets teach
that we are a couple, truly from heaven
and in our own ways, our life, we’ll enliven.


Anonymous said...

chor cho!

Anu mailk ;)
geting inspired..
jokes apart, goood work

Winnie the poohi said...

Really nice :)