Tuesday, March 10, 2009


C ommunication can take place only through this medium

O nly way for us to beat the daily, ongoing humdrum

N ever can we think, from this, abstinence

V ital it is for each other’s existence

E ars we have two, so that from the other, we can hear

R arely does anyone go to, other’s views, to clear

S ound and noice, for it, are the biggest barrier

A ttention to details, somehow we turn a deaf ear

T ime needs to be given so that everyone have their say

I gnorance of ideas is what makes us to keep others at bay

O nus is on us, how others, we give the encouragement

N on verbals also make it look very prominent

S ilence also has the power to leave a lot unsaid

! is what this work must have done to your head

1 comment:

Amias (ljm and liquidplastic) said...

I see you have join the fun before, but didn't link it, as I would have commented on it a long time ago.

"Silence also has the power to leave a lot unsaid
! is what this work must have done to your head"

How true!