Monday, March 16, 2009


C eases to be a condition of the mind.

O nly within ourself, it, we can find.

U nderstanding how to display, decision, we’ve to make.

R age is with something that this, we tend to mistake.

A hero, through this, to become everyone may seek.

G entleness, if one shows, mustn’t be thought that they are meek.

E xtending one’s hand to help, we must, if there is a need

! is what, must have happened to your mind after this read.


Bharath said...

A good take!

Ofira Sephiroth said...

Very interesting poem.

Amias (ljm and liquidplastic) said...

The last line throws me. But I like it still.

Maggie said...

I agree that gentleness must not be confused by weakness.

True courage is that which can be held under control...unless drastic measures are needed.

Just think of parents who have died trying to save the life of their children...that type of courage is just built into love and grows as time passes.