P ossesing you, undergoing pain, I don’t mind
A nother like you, I know, I won’t be able to find
I n reality, there is no gain without pain
N ever do I want my efforts to go in vain
I n your love, I want to, forever bask
S oothing my pain, for you, mustn’t be a task
A sunder people around are doing to my heart
D eath only can think to do each of us apart
D ay and night, thinking of you I bleed
I nstead that increases, for me, your need
C upid, to bring us together, didn’t do a mistake
T ogether, still, a future, both of us, can make
I ncreasing every minute, without you, is the pain
V itriolic people maybe, and for me they are a bane
E ntire body and soul of mine, to you, I offer
:) is what I’ll have when we are finally together