Monday, December 15, 2008


Inspired by my cousin’s new born and the snaps in my album that I had in my mail-box which I felt it may complement the work..Moreover hadn’t written an ode from quite a long time

For every lady, motherhood is deemed to be an experience
as by giving life to another soul, it gives them some essence
that they too are a cause, to themselves and others, some joy
which now in the present, it doesn’t matter, if it’s a girl or boy.

Though like them, it may take a long time for the child to grow
all that the parents and relatives do is their love they can show.
From the Almighty’s side, it would be, at times, a sort of miracle
that seeing the child alive would’ve made tears of joys to trickle.

Apart from accepting the child as a gift by being pious
It is a time for all in the family to be happy and joyous.
For a long time, there would be a lot of gaiety and mayhem
as the child, then and forever, would mean a lot to them.

From the parent’s side, it is time for them to become responsible
as the new born, to various changes and ailments, maybe vulnerable.
Even if the ordeal may make them fret and fume for even a while
all this they would forget whenever they see it beam a smile.

Well, this evening outing left me with a feeling of awe
when my cousin’s new bundle of joy I got to saw.
For women, it is surely something that is a benediction
as they can always be a harbinger for the progress of civilization.

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