Sunday, December 14, 2008


You are always there in my every thought
as from a long time, it is you, i've sought.
At nights, incase a smile if i had to beam
its only because i would've seen you in my dream.

So much about you, my pen still goes to talk
as the journey of life, with you, i thought to walk.
All that i had planned has gone into many a ream
which sometimes, them and you,i see in my dream.

At times,we might've shred all our inhibition
and succumbed to the wildest of temptation.
I know that certain things would be like ice cream
as we would have basked ourselves in our dream.

Now that you have gone from me, far away
it is only memories that are with me to stay.
As whenever i wake up alarmed with out loud scream
only because i would have seen you in my dream.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As whenever i wake up alarmed with out loud scream
only because i would have seen you in my dream

some ghost kya ??