Sunday, February 22, 2009


Long ago, me, a girl used to relish to eat
and for me , it was always a kind of a treat
as whenever, with her lips, me, she used to bite
it brought happiness to the guy who was at sight.

This is all what, then, he could think to offer
apart from his heart that he thought was with her.
As she used to sip the tea and he drank the coffee
only giggles, from her, one could get to hear and see.

Almost every weekend, they would come to my restaurant
and eating me, about things, she would go to rave and rant.
All that the guy did was to bask in these moments of bliss
and just tell her how much her company he used to miss.

Alas, God only knows where these people have gone
or is that from their lives, they decided to move on??
I hope not as whenever, for me, someone places an order
It is always those two sweet people I go to remember.


Bharath said...

Good one :) :)

But a quibble here,
whenever, with her lips, me, she used to bite
it brought happiness to the guy who was at sight.

Hows that connecting?!

Unknown said...

the picture is tempting!!!..

musings are interesting..hope the end happens as suggested!!!