Wednesday, July 30, 2008


At times, life is out to give such a blow
that a direction,how to thread, it doesnt show
as it becomes difficult on, it, how to face
as well as understand how to endure that phase.

To lead a life,these days,one needs, a job, for survival
and when that isnt there,there cant be anything more cruel
as when the rest around are out, theitr livelihood, out to eek
one is made to think that life has turned very bleak.

Food seems to have lost all its flavour and taste
and it seems better to be hungry, than it to waste.
All one can think is to by oneself sit quiet
and wonder how something positive,one can site.

The worst that can happen when you get to hear
that someone you thought was there to wipe your tear
deems you, to her, of no longer important and of any use
and one knows that the relation also one was destined to loose.

Yet people around, out of courtesy, may be a little kind
even though uncertainty would always remain in the mind.
It is just that hope will be their for the silver lining
which would put an end to ongoing strife and suffering.

All one can hope, to come soon,the new dawn
so that it gives a new direction to move on,
At the same time, if one were made to stumble
it was an experience to make one considerate and humble.

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