Friday, July 11, 2008


This is a new responsibility that has been given to me anew
as about what this would entail, i had no sort of a clue.
How i "accepted" this, even know, i may still not too sure
and with great difficulty, this pain, iam out to endure.

To cut short the suspense, if you are wondering has made me responsible
it is to take care of our new roomie which is a COCKER SPANIEL
by taking it for its regular and periodic constitutional
which gets on my nerves and about it, i make no denial!!

It is really a brute and in no way an ARGUS
by which one would think it as something precious.
All that it does is to at others let out a bark
at people and others we encounter as we walk.

Though till now, it has no created any major fiasco
by its antics , i refer to it as my DARD-E-DISCO.
As apart from irritating with all kinds of sound
it has been making me loose atleaast a pound.

Someone like me, who always used to, off dogs, beaware
and that to with zilch expereince of any sort in pet care
has gone to the extent of making me, a work, to write
and ybe my expereinces, someone can think to, in future cite.

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