Wednesday, July 30, 2008


As today, as usual, i pondered on what to write
came to mind that i tell what is my current plight
which, to many, maybe common to've faced a breach
and realized, in varied ways, a bitter lesson,life may teach.

Some people put a garb of being really helpless
and enact a scene by which the other may get impress.
The other may think to extend a helping hand
without verifying any antecedent beforehand.

Once the favour, whatever it maybe, is got
the person who helped is quickly forgot.
The cash or service would go down the drain
and to trace the person, efforts would go in vain.

If the great Caesar had to utter "et tu Brutus"
what of ordinary mortals, the fate,one can guess
as these days, it looks like something very common
and as though by sheer accident or chance, it was to happen.

A few, just because they are like a cat always curious
end up in a situation which maybe really nefarious
and when then the other person goes on their way
they brood what was the reason for them to go astray.

All these and more makes life look like a b***h
or makes one wonder that its like a 7 year hitch
that all that one can do is to pay a heavy price
for behaving in a way that all would say was unwise.

But life goes on leaving an experience that was bitter
and one way to look positively at it for the better.
To trust anyone make a time too much or a while
but whatever one does, it wouldn't be easy to smile.

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