Thursday, October 2, 2008


Though, these days, we leads ways that are seperate
it doesnt mean that each other we are out to alienate.
I only wish that you dont think of me as someone lower
especially one day we decide to come back together.

Things, now and in future, between us may go wrong
and if to each other,we've the feeling to belong
we will decide to face any sort of rough weather
with courage the day we decide to come back together.

It will be, for each of us, an ummeasurable loss
if we get affected by the slightest of the cause.
Instead, valuable lessons, from life, lets gather
which will help when we decide to come back together.

A day will come when, to you, i will be near
and listen your worries, with a patient ear.
What all it is, it'll become as light as feather
once we decide that its time to come back together.

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